How Can I Support The Show? Frequently Asked Questions


Q: Hello, Jacke! I'd like to make a modest monthly contribution. Do you have a Patreon account?

A: Yes! You can sign up to be a Patreon supporter at


Q: Thanks for the info, but actually, I'm more of a one-time-donation kind of person. Is there a way to do that?

A: Yes! You can donate via our PayPal Me account (look for "jackewilson") or by following this link:

Please note: the payment will show up as a payment to our parent company, "Restless Mind Media LLC."


Q: What happened to the History of Literature store? I wanted to buy a tote bag, mug, or "virtual coffee"!

A: Alas, our store is temporarily closed. You can still contribute "virtual coffees" by using one of the above methods. Many thanks for your kindness and generosity!